Remember, remember the 5th of November! Bonfire night is nearly here and we want to make sure your night goes off with a bang. If you’re having a fireworks night party in your garden, follow these simple garden safety tips to make sure you have an unforgettable bonfire night for all the right reasons.


Keep Bonfires a Safe Distance from Timber Structures & Trees

When you’re building your bonfire, it’s all about the location. If there any trees with overhanging branches or wooden sheds nearby it’s just asking for trouble! Before you start building your log pile, look around your garden to see if there are any potential fire hazards lurking nearby and make sure you build your bonfire as far away from them as possible.


Check for Hedgehogs Hiding in the Bonfire

You see a log pile for a bonfire, hedgehogs see a cosy shelter from the winter weather. If your wood pile has been left outside for a while, check the base to make sure there aren’t any hedgehogs hiding under the timber before your light it.


Keep Fireworks a Safe Distance from Building and Trees

You can’t have a bonfire night safety guide without taking about fireworks. If you’re ditching an organised fireworks display to have your own at home, make sure to light them a safe distance away from trees and wooden buildings like sheds so you don’t need to worry about a stray rocket causing havoc!

Remember the age old warning for when you’re using fireworks, never ever go back to it once it’s been lit.


Keep Pets indoors

Pets and fireworks don’t mix well. The loud bangs and bright lights can be frightening to animals especially dogs and cats, and the last thing you want is scared pets running around the garden when there’s a bonfire, sparklers and fireworks around! Play it safe by keeping your pets indoors on bonfire night. Your pet will thank you for it.


Supervise Children with Sparklers

Kids love playing with bright sparklers on bonfire night but don’t forget that sparklers can cause serious burns if they’re not careful! Keep your kids safe by making sure they wear gloves when handling sparklers. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on your child once it’s been lit to make sure they’re playing with it safely. We recommend talking to your children before giving them sparklers so they understand why they have to be careful with them.


The team at eDecks hope your bonfire night goes off with bang! Tell us how you’re planning on spending bonfire night in the comments section below.


By peach

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