Untreated Planed Square Edge (PSE) Timber

Go On!... Make your Garden Smile :)

Treated and Untreated Planed Timber

Planed timber is a DIYers staple, needed for a myriad of DIY projects – whether you're hoping to create a bespoke garden shed or you want to build a wood floor indoors. We have our very own treatment plant where we manufacture our timber, cut it to size and offer it in a few different treatments:

Treated Planed Timber

Treated planed timber is cut to size and shape at our own plant and then pressure treated. The pressure treatment allows the wood to have a longer life, especially if it’s to be exposed to the elements in an outdoor project. The pressure treatment creates an extra barrier and makes it much harder for fungi and insects to get into the wood, which helps reduce the chance of rot setting in.

Untreated Planed Timber

Untreated planed timber, as you may have guessed, is simply planed timber that hasn't been pressure treated. It's a more affordable option for this reason. It is better suited for indoor projects due to the lack of protection the bare wood will have against the outdoor elements.

Tongue and Groove Flooring Timber

Our tongue and groove flooring timber is made from redwood and is available treated or untreated. The tongue and groove shape is "ready-cut" into the wood, which allows easy installation of the wood flooring. It also creates an effective seal between the planks during assembly that makes this cut of timber superior to basic planed wood when used for flooring. It's a highly versatile product as you can add any wood finish you like to your floor once installed, from basic oils or wood preservers, right up to stains and paints that will help you achieve your desired finish.

We offer some of the highest quality wood in all of our products to ensure you get a longer-lasting finish – whether you're building decking, sheds or indoor flooring.

The highest quality manufacturing

The woods used in all of our timber products are pressure treated at our treatment works to ensure you receive the best possible product that will stand the test of time, even without applying extra timber treatments. Thousands of customers return and trust us as their supplier every year because they know the quality of our products are incredibly high and we offer them at very low prices.

How do eDecks offer incredible quality at such low prices?

Because eDecks is an exclusively online store, we don’t have the enormous running costs of a physical showroom, which means we can offer you better quality products at much lower prices than high street DIY stores.

What's more, we have our own treatment works where we can manufacture products, cut to the perfect size, whilst ensuring only the highest possible quality of the timber is used. This means we not only cut costs of having physical stores, but also big middlemen costs – meaning we can offer you incredible quality at seriously low prices. We also deliver for FREE to most places within the UK on any order over £150, so you don’t have to worry about any extra fuel costs or heavy lifting – we deliver direct to your door.